Friday, November 20, 2009

Funny Bumper Stickers

Just thinking about some of the funniest bumper stickers I've ever seen...

"Pave the Rainforest"

"In Case of Rapture, I'm taking your car"

"Republicans for Voldemort"

"Everything I need to know about life I've learned by reading banned books"

"Evolution is just a theory. kinda like gravity"

"Jesus loves you but everyone else thinks you're an asshole"

"Dog is my copilot"

"Honk if you're Amish"

"Heck is for people who don't believe in Gosh"

"If you're born again, do you have two belly buttons?"

"What if the hokey pokey is what its all about?"

"My kid is the proud parent of his teacher's baby"

"My child beat up your honor student"

any others? tell me what you think is funny

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